Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Growth Mindset: Stories of Growth

File:Beowulf, A Book of Myths.jpg
A painting of Beowulf. (Wikimedia Commons)

Of the stories, we've read of this class, one character stands out to me as exemplifying the growth mindset perfectly. Beowulf is a character who is never content to rest on his laurels and is always trying to improve himself and gain renown. It would have been easy for him to content himself with his great strength, but he wanted to do more to prove his mettle. Even after he slays Grendel, he longs for a challenge that can top that one! The fact that he's always trying to move forward and accomplish new great feats makes him an icon of the growth mindset.

Bibliography. The Story of Beowulf by Strafford Riggs. Web Link.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Dakota!

    I read about Beowulf last week, and I have to agree with you! Thinking of Beowulf as an image of growth mindset, however, I struggled to think that he would spend the later years of his life just hanging out in his kingdom, instead of pursuing fierce battles. Perhaps that's why he was so insistent upon facing the dragon himself.
