Saturday, January 27, 2018

Feedback Thoughts

This Week we read a bit about why feedback is important and how to overcome the stress that can be associated with negative feedback or comparison.

The first article I read was "The Psychology of Comparison and How to Stop" by Ellen Jackson. She doesn't really dive into the psychology of social comparison which was kind of disappointing, but the point of the article was a solid one. She writes that while it's natural to compare ourselves with others, it's not something that always helps us to achieve. I like the philosophy of seeking out intrinsic motivation and finding ways to propel oneself forward with firm and focused goals.

I was going to read an article on Forbes next, but I don't like being forced to disable Adblock.

Instead I read "Why Rejection Hurts So Much and What to Do About It" by Guy Winch. I think I agree with his argument that rejection (even the threat thereof) is one of the most common sources of emotional pain we face. There were a few tips he wrote about that are meant to help curb the pain of rejection, some of which I feel like I already employ. Especially resonant with me is the need to limit self-criticism.

I'm not adverse to feedback so long as I feel like I'm being respected in the process. There's been plenty of times in my life that someone has come to me with constructive criticism about anything from a school project to my personality, and it helps me grow!

A group of businesspeople talking... Maybe giving constructive feedback to each other! (pxhere)

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