Friday, January 26, 2018

Project Topic Brainstorm

Below are some topic ideas I'm considering for the class project!

“Heroes of Myth and Legend”

The first project idea that stuck out to me was “Heroes of Myth and Legend”. I’d love to write a story of a rags-to-riches hero’s journey. I like some of the twists that the linked storybooks threw in to their heroic stories, so I’ll probably have to think of my own.

"Legendary Creatures"

It would be pretty easy to weave stories about legendary creatures into a hero’s story, so I don’t think I’d have to choose between the topics of “Legendary Creatures” and the above topic. Maybe our noble hero could defeat progressively more terrifying monsters of legend (like Heracles!).

One legendary creature: a griffin as depicted by Wenceslaus Hollar (Wikimedia Commons)

“Stories from the Heptameron”

“Stories from the Heptameron” caught my eye because I had no idea what a Heptameron was. I think the idea of “renaissance urban legends” might be fun to try to adapt to different time periods including the present day. Even if I don’t go with this one for a project, it might be fun to read this unit one week.

“The Kalevala”

“The Kalevala” would be neat to draw inspiration from in my own stories. While of course I haven’t read it yet, it might be a cool idea to adopt the epic poem structure for my own storybook. I could see where that might be a little difficult though as I’m no poet!

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