Thursday, January 18, 2018

Thoughts about the Growth Mindset

Our professor had us check out a few videos related to "growth mindset" learning. I thought that the concept was pretty well explained, and I agree that challenging situations are what help us to develop and grow as people. I think that the ideas of the growth mindset are applicable to plenty of life facets, even outside academics. It makes me think about the day-to-day responsibilities that I might be inclined to shirk instead of take on headfirst.

Nobody's born a mountain climber! (photo courtesy pixabay)

My one sticking point is the way that Dr. Dweck talks about childhood as a passive process. In one video, she talks about the way "we should make children feel" in response to challenging (or not so challenging) situations. While I understand where she's coming from, she consistently uses language that makes it sound like she's conditioning rats in a cage. Semantics, but something I noted!

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